When our immune system is weak, we are prone to infections since white blood cells are weak – or few to fight germs. So for us to avoid this, we should try to boost the immune system by practicing health lifestyle habits and diet.
This includes having enough sleep, doing exercises regularly, finding proper ways of managing stress, eating foods rich in antioxidants, avoiding too much alcohol intake and cutting tobacco consumption, among others.
Let’s look into details effective ways to boost our immune system.
Having Quality Sleep
Enough sleep is equally if not more important as taking food. It is evident that lack of proper sleep can make you sick. This is because immune function is suppressed by the increase in hormone cortisal and prolonged elevation.
Make sure your sleep is quality also. Sleep on a comfortable mattress and in a comfortable sleeping posture. Every adult is advised to get at least eight hours of sleep daily. This regulates the immune functionality. More than 10 hours is recommendable for children and the elderly people. [1]
Doing Regular Exercises
Nothing makes the body weak and prone to cardiovascular diseases like sitting idle without exercising. Regular exercise is very beneficial for the overall functioning of the body. It mobilizes T cells which protects the body from infections.
Exercising helps in circulation of the blood. It also aids to get rid of toxins and sweat from the body hence boosting the immune system.
You don’t have to go to the gym for the exercises. You can go for a walk around, do jogging, go for swimming, or do yoga practices. Doing simple manual works like cultivating your back yard garden is also a good form of exercise.
However, avoid vigorous exercises like excessive running or weight lifting. These may bring more harm than good. Just make sure the exercises are moderate. [2]

Proper Management of Stress
Ever seen people with everything materially anyone could wish? Even other people admire to be on their shoes but the state of their health is wanting? They have big houses, big cars and money, but when you look at them physically they look sick?
In most cases, their greatest sickness is stress. Prolonged stress and lack of proper stress management can be a great cause of weak immune system exposing you to sickness and diseases like ulcers.
You need to avoid stress at all cost, and in case you suffer from it, look for a proper way to manage it. Either through meditation, relaxation or practicing yoga exercises. You can also try to confide your problems to a close friend or go for counseling therapy. [3]
Eating Foods Rich in Antioxidants
Antioxidants fight the free radicals in the body. Consuming foods rich in antioxidants will help the body increase the production of blood cells by fighting those radicals. Increase in white blood cells means strong immune system.
Some of the foods containing antioxidants are vegetables like spinach, carrots, kales, broccoli, tomatoes, cucumber and fruits like watermelon, berries, avocadoes, et cetera. They contain micronutrients like flavonoids, carotenoids and vitamin C which improve the immune function.
You can also take ginger and garlic which are very rich in antioxidants. Also incorporate medicinal mushrooms such as shiitake and maitake [4]

Avoiding Excess Alcohol Consumption and Cigarette Smoking
Little alcohol or wine once in a while for leisure is not harmful. But when it becomes a habit and excessive, that’s danger. Excessive consumption of alcohol suppresses and impairs the immune system.
Tobacco content in cigarettes also damages the fibers lowering the defense mechanism of the immune system. This exposes one to diseases such as lung infections, pneumonia, bronchitis, et cetera. [5]
Use of Immune Supportive Herbs and Supplements
In case of recurring infections, you’ll need to consider immune supportive herbs to boost your immunity level. Examples of those herbs are; Andrographis, Asian and American ginseng, eleuthero, astragalus and elderberry.
You can also go for supplements which will boost the immunity function. Examples of such supplements are; zinc supplements, multivitamins, probiotics, polysaccharides et cetera. [6]
Moderate Exposure to Sunlight
Sunlight is a very good source of vitamin D. Moderate exposure to it helps strengthen the immune system hence preventing one from getting diseases.
However, avoid scorching sunlight because it makes the skin dehydrated causing wrinkles and increasing aging process. [7]
Taking Enough Water
Water plays a very big role in the immune system. It is a natural detoxifier. It helps remove toxins which would lower the immune system once they build up. It also aids in the proper functioning of the entire body system by carrying oxygen to the body cells. Take at least 8 glasses of water daily.
You can also squeeze in some lemon juice in the water which is a rich source of antioxidants. They help fight free radicals which weakens the immune system. [8]
Strong immune system is very essential in the body. It protects it from disease causing microorganisms.
You can boost your immune functioning by making sure you get enough and quality sleep. This is achieved by sleeping on a comfortable mattress and good sleeping posture. You can also do simple exercises regularly like swimming, jogging, and yoga. Avoid vigorous exercises.
Another way you can boost your immune functioning is by taking foods rich in antioxidants, taking enough water, and the use of immune supportive herbs and supplements. Also get some natural Vitamin D from morning or sun set sunlight. Avoid scorching sunlight which will expose you to damage of skin tissues.
Last but not least, avoid excessive use of alcohol and tobacco smoking. They are not only risky to the immune system but the entire body. Instead, take a cup of coffee or tea which is rich in antioxidants.
Avoid stress any way you can. And in case you have issues, try to manage them amicably.
Practice these lifestyle habits and diet and you’ll save your hard earned money from going to the hospital every now and then.
So there you have it… 8 practical ways to boost your immune system. What other habits have you formed to boost your immune system? Share with us in the comment section.
Hi, my name is Sopo Yung. I share natural health remedies and strategies to guide you to a healthier natural lifestyle –My passion and mission are to help you enjoy a fulfilled healthy life.