Show me a healthy scalp and I’ll show you a healthy and beautiful hair. These two go in handy. If you neglect your scalp, your hair will definitely show it. So you need to care for your scalp as often as possible for you to enjoy beautiful hair.
You can care for your scalp by; Eating foods rich in proteins and antioxidants, avoiding chemical products which damage the scalp, making sure that the scalp is moisturized and hydrated, keeping the scalp clean and oily, avoiding direct exposure to scorching sunlight, among other tips.
Below is a summary of some of the tips for a healthy scalp.
Eating Foods Rich in Proteins and Antioxidants
A balanced diet is essential for a healthy scalp and the entire body in general. But protein is responsible for the growth of hair. Foods like eggs, beans, meat, and milk among others are rich in proteins.
Antioxidants fight the free radicals which cause damage to your skin and even on the scalp. When you take foods rich in antioxidants, you’ll protect the scalp from damage hence making it healthy.
Some of the foods containing antioxidants are; spinach, carrots, broccoli, kales, tomatoes, avocadoes, berries, garlic, ginger, watermelon, et cetera. Always try to incorporate one or two of these foods in every meal for better and effective results. [1]
Avoiding Chemical-Based Products
One of the big contributors to the unhealthy scalp is the products used as shampoos, treatments or hair conditioners.
Most of these products are made of chemicals which are harsh to the scalp hence end up damaging it.
Whenever you are buying these products, always go for natural organic products. These ones are made of natural ingredients which are gentle to your scalp like avocado or aloe vera shampoo or conditioner.
You can also make your own products with locally available ingredients like aloe vera, coconut oil, jojoba oil et cetera. [2]
Keeping Your Scalp as Clean as Possible
Dead skin cells, dirt, oils, and dandruff can pile up when the scalp hasn’t thoroughly been cleaned.
These will clog the hair follicles and pores on the scalp preventing proper circulation of oxygen and making it a haven of bacteria and fungus.
It will also cause itchiness and irritation on the scalp. To avoid this, wash your scalp at least once a week.
Make sure the shampoo you use is all natural without any sulfate content which damages the hair.
You should also condition your scalp regularly using a mild conditioner. This will prevent your hair from breakage hence increasing it in volume. It will also make it shine. Try to avoid harsh products as much as possible. [3]
Doing Frequent Massage Therapy
The blood needs to be properly circulated in the entire body. This can be obtained by doing exercises like yoga, stretching, and massage. Massage of the scalp stimulates the flow of blood.
Nutrients and oxygen are properly circulated in the hair follicles hence making the hair to grow effectively.
The use of products with essential oils for the massage helps in the circulation of the blood. These oils are tea tree oils, rosemary essential oils, eucalyptus essential oils et cetera.
It’s always recommendable to go for massage therapy at least once a week. [4]
Protect Your Scalp from Scorching Sunlight
Direct exposure to the sunlight can also damage your scalp. It will make it dry and dehydrated. Always use a cap or scarf to protect your scalp from the scorching sunlight.
Also, use products with beneficial oils like jojoba oil to keep the hair hydrated.
The scorching sunlight can also damage your skin, so avoid it. [5]
Bottom Line
A healthy scalp is equally important as the other parts of the body. Try to care for it as much as you can by eating foods rich in proteins and antioxidants.
Also, keep it clean with mild natural shampoo, condition it regularly and do frequent massage on the scalp for proper circulation of blood.
Avoid chemical based products which may damage your scalp and protect it by wearing a hat or scarf. [6]
Which other tips do you use to keep your scalp healthy? Let’s talk in the comment section.
Hi, my name is Sopo Yung. I share natural health remedies and strategies to guide you to a healthier natural lifestyle –My passion and mission are to help you enjoy a fulfilled healthy life.